Fibre Suspensions

Flow of fibre suspensions is a key factor in manufacturing a diverse range of many pulp-fibre based products. Applications include paper production, packaging, boxes, hygiene products, composites, food stuffs, carpeting and a variety of disposable products. The cellulose mixture and flow properties are of vital importance since it directly relates to the quality of the finished product. Currently, there are no techniques available to accurately measure these complex flow characteristics continuously directly in the production line (pipe flow).

Incipientus has successfully completed a Proof-of-Concept test with a global consumer goods company. The Incipientus system was used to continuously measure complex properties directly in-line in concentrated paper pulp suspensions.

Reliable data

From a single measurement that takes ± 30 sec (depending on flow rate) a complete multipoint rheogram is determined. The Incipientus system is installed in the production line and is not operator dependent therefore ensuring accurate and reliable data.

Optimum control

Critical process parameters is outputted by the Incipientus system continuously and can be linked to the process. This enables continuous monitoring of the product quality. Early warning detection ensures that fast decisions can be made and thereby reducing product wastage as well as associated costs.

“Incipientus contributes to a future with zero defect manufacturing”


• Benefits
Reduce wastage and reprocessing of cellulose products
Test variation in product quality over time
Accurately monitor the volume throughput
Link critical process parameters to the manufacturing process

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